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Showing posts from April, 2021

“Anti-racist” Versus “Racist”: The Nonracial Class State and its Hostile Moralists

I. No racism by the state — what instead? 1. Racism in the sense of a legal situation by which state power decrees or permits discrimination against parts of the population, up to and including their elimination, no longer exists in the modern bourgeois polity. Neither in the sense of a colonial prerogative that legitimizes domination over immature peoples, nor in the sense of the Nuremberg Laws that make citizenship dependent on membership of an Aryan master race that has a right to world domination, nor in the sense of a right to property in human beings that establishes slavery as a component of the political economy. On the contrary, today’s constitutional state forbids itself, and in general, racial discrimination, because it does not fit its raison d’être. — It organizes its political economy, which extracts ever more wealth from other people’s labor in the form of productively applied private property, with its bourgeois code under the premise of the legal equality of its citize...