In the unanimous opinion of the press and its scientific authorities on protest, 2019 was a year of turmoil in which an unusually large number of people in an unusually large number of countries took their outrage and discontent to the streets in an unusually raucous and radical way. Beyond covering current developments at the scene of the protests and giving critical analyses of the causes of the protests, the media pored over the question whether there wasn’t a “common catalyst” or at least a “connection” between the protests. It's obviously too banal to say that people all over the world, given the living conditions they are subjected to in each country-specific form of the dominant world economic order, in which the most elementary human needs are often left in the lurch, have tons of reasons to rebel against their national administrators. Rather, it's a lot more exciting to say that the world of the Internet and social media, although no longer so new, is now providing...
This blog is dedicated to communist criticisms of various topics: democracy, capitalism, political economy, morality, education, current events, political theory, philosophy, the state, etc.