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Showing posts from March, 2020

This society makes people sick!

By Dr. Suitbert Cechura The title of the lecture is an assertion that requires proof. In my lecture, I will explain how in this society health damages are systematically produced, how they are calculated with, and how the victims of the damage are made responsible for the damage. The lecture is divided into four parts. First I would like to make a few preliminary remarks on lifestyle diseases, then I would like to give two examples of how they arise and are treated in the public discussion, and then I will give a summary. If any questions or objections arise during the lecture, you can make them known so that we can clarify the questions immediately. Otherwise, there will also be opportunities for discussion after the lecture. Lifestyle diseases It is common knowledge that this society causes illness: After all, the new epidemics are no longer cholera and diphtheria, tuberculosis, etc., but lifestyle diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diseases of the musculo...

Lung doctors on the diesel scandal – A lesson in medicine

Around 100 pulmonary physicians have spoken up in a paper and questioned the scientific basis for the limit values on particulate matter and nitrogen oxide which form the legal basis for the (planned) driving bans for diesel vehicles in urban centers. These objections have been eagerly received by politicians and industry and have led to a lively public discussion in which all sides refer to scientific studies – which are not always comprehensible to the layman. Suitbert Cechura clarifies some aspects of this lesson in medicine as a science and its role in society. Particulate matter and nitrogen oxide Prof. Dr. Dieter Köhler, the best known critic of the limit values, former president of the German Society for Pulmunology and long-time head of a pulmonary clinic, attacks not only the scientific basis of the limit values, but also the thesis of harmful particulate matter in general: “You say that particulate matter is harmless? – Not in itself. In Mumbai, for example, we s...