“If we were to make a caricature of the activities that characterize this group’s lifestyle, the following details would have to be included: organic gardening, recycling, natural food, simple clothing, bicycling to work, family values, meditation or other inner processes.” (I, 22) “For an organic apple und a free-range egg or DM 1,00” an “Alternatives” booklet is available, a “journal for alternative technology, decentralization, and ecology.” And this isn’t the only booklet offering alternative payment methods that is currently booming (a small selection of other titles: “Grassroots Revolution”, “Here and Now”, “Something Happening”). An entire series of paperbacks that calculate solely with hard currency are devoted to “alternatives,” magazines (not just leftist ones) and even television are often suspiciously concerned with “alternative living.” Someone who adds the title “alternative living” to what they do announces with this name a program which can be defined by...
This blog is dedicated to communist criticisms of various topics: democracy, capitalism, political economy, morality, education, current events, political theory, philosophy, the state, etc.