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Showing posts from September, 2018

Limitation, Commitment, Creativity, Necessity, Music, Inspiration and Hegel!

One thing which I've been thinking about lately is the idea of limitation, commitment, and creativity. It's a common prejudice that limitations are a bad thing and that they stifle creativity or achievement. It's something that runs counter to freedom, which in the popular mind is just self-evidently a good thing. One should be able to do what they want when they want in whatever way they see fit. One hears something like, "endless possibilities are good". One is supposed to have the world open and the horizon clear in every direction, and then this fosters creativity. Or if not that, then the idea that if you have possibilities open, then this is how things are accomplished. It's a common thought that it would be bad if possibilities were limited. One hears it about consumer goods: "how horrible if only there were one or two brands of flour! What if one couldn't choose between sony or yamaha stereos!" One often hears this as a justification to